Sunday, October 10, 2010

Suburbia The New Frontier



                As a resident of the area, my work emerges from a visual and personal interpretation of the surrounding landscape.

                 This Bicentennial year, I opted to produce a series of strongly narrative images depicting both the history and the possible future evolution of the landscape.

                To complete this task, I needed research, and I am grateful for the publication of the book, ‘On the Frontier”, by Christopher Keating.

                I started photographing the Cow pasture area, the same place where
Cattle from the first fleet were found in 1788 grazing. My work centres around this area and looks towards the huge expanse of housing developments and the CBD.

                Agricultural and farming was the main focus of the land from the 1820,s onwards as ex-convict farmers and colonial blue bloods provided produce to the population, and ‘The Frontier emerged as a divide between the bush and the big smoke.

                The South-West’s conversion from country to city status with its own suburbia has accelerated dramatically in the last 50 years as the population growth has sought affordable housing, and home ownership has become a symbol of security and social acceptability, however as dramatic as the urban and commercial growth, has been the demise of the agricultural sector.

                My work presents a transition of time, dawn to dusk, and an evolution of rural to suburban subjects and colours.

                                I play with photographic images, compose on Photoshop, and recreate with paint, often using transparent glazes to produce the atmospheric changes of the day.

                I am grateful to the Liverpool Art Society and The Casula Powerhouse for this opportunity to display my work 

Sharon Trejbal


New work for the Casula Powerhouse